Monday, February 15, 2021

Two days at work (1 of 2): Cat.

A few weeks ago at my one assisted living client's with disabilities, I went to go find her cat and give her a treat at the start of my shift like I usually do, and she was by the side of the bed and took a few steps forward as soon as I knelt down and opened up the treat jar.

My client was lying down, so I was like, "Let's ping this off of mommy's ass, for little [her cat's name]!", and my client chuckled and was like, "Go for it."

So, I took the treat and waved it around and got her cat's attention, and then I tossed it in a long arc to on top of the bed to near my client's butt.

And, her cat followed to where the arc ended, only she ran under the bed instead of hopping on top of it; she had mathematically figured out what the arc was, but had forgotten that the bed was a hard surface that the treat would stop on top of.

"[Her cat's name] needs some help with spatial reasoning," I was like to my client.

"Yeah," she was like.

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