Thursday, October 8, 2020

Vegetable casualties...

 ...since I do my shopping like every 3-4 weeks with my little granny shopping cart to stock up so that I don't have to go to the store that often in the age of coronavirus:

1) A red pepper that had a little rotten patch develop at one end.

2) Heads of iceberg lettuce that had some outer leaves get gunky.

3) Two rotten potatoes at the bottom of like an eight- or a ten-pound bag.

4) Multiple cauliflower heads that started getting little black patches on the very outer tips of the florets here and there, where I'd have to scrape those places off with a knife before cooking them.

5) Scattered stalks of celery that get all weird greenish brown like a pervasive rot manifesting from underneath.

These are the fruits of caution, and the price I pay for safety, I think. It wouldn't be happening otherwise.

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