Thursday, October 22, 2020

3 things, 1 day (1 of 3): First thing.

At the cafeteria near the beach that I go to, 2 (younger) (black) guys are putting in their orders, and one pulls down his mask to talk to the workers, as he talks to them behind these giant hanging Plexiglass shields that divide the open kitchen from the ordering line.

A few minutes later, too, the next guy is actually laying his arms and head down on the counter and his mask is pulled down around his neck, so when he's talking, his breath is actually going into the gaps below the giant hanging Plexiglass shields, since that's where his head is at.

"What weird people," I say to the one (later middle-aged) (stoic) (Greek-American?) counterwoman who I know by sight, when she goes to ring up my order.

"You have no idea," she was like.

"There's a lot of them like that?, I was like.

"We're used to it by now," she was like.

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