Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Second languages.

The other week at the resthome, I was walking by the dishwashing room and the door was open after dinner and there was my one (Mexican) coworker who works in dining who I speak Spanish with and this one (tall) (lanky) (young) (Ghanian) kitchen worker.

And, they were both talking (Spanish), and it was clear that he was finding words and putting them together and he must have just started studying Spanish somehow.

(He goes to a local community college.)

From what little I could hear, it seemed that he was strongly giving tones to the different Spanish words he was saying, probably because I think Twi is his first language, although I don't think he does that when he speaks English.

A few months ago I had seen them both pass in the hallway and she said something and he had cried out "Mucho! Mucho! Mucho!" in a performative voice as he walked by pushing a cart, but I didn't think it was an actual interaction, just more a joke of him faking that he spoke Spanish and saying some basic word he knew.

(...it's quite interesting, one of my [Tibetan] coworkers was wanting to study Spanish, and now this kitchen worker seems to have started.  Two people from quite different parts of the globe who ended up coming to the U.S., and they speak English everyday, and they're open to Spanish, too. It's really kind of cool, when you get down to it, that someone from Ghana and maybe someone from Tibet can interact with people in Spanish. I wonder how often that that happens...)

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