Sunday, July 5, 2020

Coronavirus handwashing practice.

To properly wash your hands, you're supposed to do it for the length of two "Happy Birthday"s.

I usually sing that for myself, and I also encourage the one resthome resident with a good sense of humor to do it whenever I'm assisting her and she's around and needs to wash her hands.

We did the basic "Happy Birthday" for a while, and then I began changing lyrics, like saying "Dear [her first name]" or "Ms. [her last name]" or "Ma'am" (a slang word that I use for all women and that she dislikes and that I sometimes accidentally use for her).

Lately, I've been saying the name of the day, like "Happy Monday to you," or the time of day, like "Happy bedtime to you," and after I say her name, she breaks in and is like, "...and [my first name]," and she ends by singing, "And many more...!"

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