Monday, March 2, 2020


The baby also crawls really fast, and on that same visit, she got into this like little lap routine where she'd crawl out of the living room and down the hallway a bit to this small round metal fixture plate on the wall that's slightly loose, spin it, then turn around and crawl back to the foot of the couch, then turn around and repeat everything all over again.

It was very cute, and I think spinning the plate was a goal for her, like runners have to jog to a certain point and cross a line or touch a certain object, to mark the halfway point of their jog.

Her mom also told me a few months ago that she was at her in-laws and their dog was between the baby and her on the floor, separating them even though they were like three feet apart, and suddenly the baby wanted to be by her mom, but she was looking at the dog and seemed a tad afraid, and she began glancing around nervously.

Then, very quickly and very suddenly, while she was still looking afraid, she decisively got up, and quickly crawled around the dog and straight to her mom.

"She was risking everything, in her eyes," her mom was like, and it was obvious that she was very touched by that.

That baby really is a fast crawler.

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