Saturday, March 7, 2020

A dream of my grandmother.

The other week I dreamnt:

I'm in this stone courtyard, and my two (Hungarian) grandparents are there and they're both on the verge of death. 

My grandfather sits on this stone ledge all nervously, and you just can tell his mind is in another place, from this tense look around his eyes, and the distant look in his eyes as well.

But, my grandmother almost looks young again, and she is just full of delight, so happy to see people, and taking delight in such little things like a flower or a nice bureau, even though she will die soon, and I have this mental picture of my grandmother walking through the rooms of the house at the one edge of the stone courtyard, just talking and laughing with whatever people she happens to be around.

And, I suddenly know that she is dying well, but my grandfather isn't.

And, as I wake up, I have a memory of being in another place like maybe real life and being there with her and holding her hand, and I just see her hand in my head as I come into real life, and I feel strongly comforted and at peace.

And, I lay in bed and think about my grandmother more than I have in years.

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