Saturday, February 29, 2020

It's nice to be missed.

The other week I caught this bug that was going around the city, where the entire weekend I heard people sniffling on the subway and at the public library, and although I was trying so hard to be so careful and I was washing my hands a ton, by the end of my shift on Sunday at my one client's with disabilities, I was pretty sure that I had gotten the bug...

I had been sniffling a little bit during the shift, but I thought that maybe that was because I had been dusting, but then just before I was leaving I got super tired, and I knew that my body had kicked into "fighting something off" mode.

Anyhow, I woke up the next day and called in sick, and then the next day was my day off, and then I did that phone consultation with a doctor thing and she advised me to take one more day off of work so that I wouldn't pass anything on to the older folks.

So, what with my normal days off intervening and the fact that I work my 40 hour workweek between 2 jobs and also that sometimes I have gaps off between days that I work at one particular place, it was something like almost a week before I showed up again at the resthome.

And, when I finally did, my one (older) (Tibetan) coworker asked me where I was and if everything was okay, and so did the one (Ghanaian-American) kitchen manager, and so did a few residents, including the one who I have a running joke with about being a hard drinker.

It was so nice to be missed like that, and even to have my absence just noticed; that kind of stuff simply never happened in academia.

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