Monday, February 17, 2020

Addendum: Other levity, with that same resthome resident.

That one same resthome resident who I joke with about having a drinking problem, when she goes to bed at night, she likes having her wheelchair pushed up against the side of her bed, since one time she rolled over and fell out of bed, and now she thinks that if it's there it'll stop her from ever falling like that again, or it will break her fall some if she does end up somehow rolling over and falling again.

So, when she was in bed, she asked me to arrange her wheelchair like she likes it.

"Or maybe I should just pick it up and put it on you," I was like, motioning with my hands on each side of her.  "One wheel there, and one wheel there, there's no way you can fall out of bed if you put your wheelchair like that."

"You're meshugana," she was like.

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