Friday, February 21, 2020

A nice development through health insurance, for once.

You know what my insurance company is encouraging people to do?

Use this "call a doctor" service for $0 copay, if you have a sudden non-emergency reason to see the doctor like the cold or the flu.

It turns out it's great!

The other week I got something that's going around the city, like a sniffling that settled a bit in my sinus and my chest but I was successfully fighting off, and because I had to call in sick for two days at the resthome, the nurse asked me to go get a note from the doctor to bring in the next time I work to show that I was truly sick.

It was great, I just registered over the telephone, the doctor called me back, then we debriefed without me having to leave my house (looked like I was over it, but I should see my GP in three days if it doesn't improve by then).

Then, she sent a doctor's note to my in-website mailbox, that I was able to print out for my nurse.

I didn't have to leave my house, and I didn't have to pay $20 to see a doctor.

What's not to like?

Honestly, phone consultation of a doctor just makes sense, for situations like mine.

And it probably saves the insurance company a buttload of money.

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