Saturday, January 4, 2020

A horrible nightmare, possibly foreboding.

A few nights ago I dreamnt:

I'm asleep on the subway, slouching down in my seat with my legs pulled up a little above me, and suddenly there's someone on me just choking and choking and choking me, but I'm too sleepy and I can't look up, even though it's terrible and I know something is wrong, and suddenly as I'm still being choked I summon all the energy that I have and I manage to open up my eyelids and look up to where the person or whatever it is is, and then the choking breaks off, and then I'm awake in real life on my bed in my room, only I see a hazy kind of balloon down at the far end of my bed rise up from over by the corner of the bed and into the ceiling, as my consciousness spins a little bit and it's like I'm spiralling down somehow in my mind, since my field of vision is bigger and closer to objects then it normally is prior to its sinking back to normal, though I'm not moving in any way at all, I'm just lying in my bed in my room waking up somehow.

And I'm awake, and it's like my dream had continued into real life and I saw something in real life.

I hope nothing bad happens to me on my birthday this year.

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