Monday, December 30, 2019

Tip from a jazz bassist.

The other week at the Hanukkah party at the resthome, they had a jazz ensemble in, and afterwards I told the double bassist that I used to play and that I'd been meaning to get back to it for a long time, like relearning it and joining a community orchestra or something, and that I really enjoyed watching him play.

And, he was like, "Go check out this pawn shop at [name of an intersection] by the [name of a theater]," and he clued me in to a nice bass that they had for $950.

"No way," I was like.

"It's really nice," he was like.

"Why is it so nice?", I was like.

"Probably because they don't know where it came from," he was like, as old people with walkers flowed through the lobby around us, making their way towards the second round of hors d'oeuvres.

 . . .

Long and short of it is, it was sold, but I talked to the store owners by phone and it's a legit music place that trades in used instruments and they have a guy who supplies them with double basses, so I told them what I was looking for and gave them my phone number, and they're going to get in touch with him for me.

I'm thinking that I have the money now and I'm turning 40 soon, so why not, $950 or so is cheap for a midlife crisis.

It would be fun to relearn the bass, and I can probably check out musical scores and CDs from the main library downtown, and play along to Beethoven's Fifth Symphony or Wagner or whatever.

Doesn't that sound like fun?

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