Tuesday, October 15, 2019

More British inanities: On rat prevention.

My one (half British) (half Sudanese) friend (the sister of the brother-sister pair) is getting quite a lot of fun out of these crazy condo association listhost emails for the condo that she and her partner just bought.

A few times ago when I saw her, she read out a huge part of some latest email where people in her building were talking about the local rat problem.

One person told an anecdote about a rat jumping out of the bushes and almost attacking a small dog, and some random phrase in the description was put all in caps, which she enjoyed a lot, since the capitalization was so weird.

Some person also told everyone to plant mint or buy mint oil and spray it by their garden boxes, since rats hate mint.

"That sounds like an old wives tale," she was like. "If rats really hated mint that much, wouldn't everyone just plant mint across the whole city, then bang, no more rats?".

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