Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Fun cat interactions (2 of 2): Sweet cat.

Last month when I visited my uncle's when my uncle was getting minor surgery, I got to hang out with his cat some, this black cat with white furry legs and paws who's very sweet and very much likes people.

When I was lying down on the couch and doing a crossword, the cat actually climbed up on my chest and sat down on the crook of my arm on the hand that I was writing with, which made it a bitch to keep writing, though I tried my best to continue.

Later, she got up and stood on top of the fatty part on top of my solar plexus, and she shifted her weight from one front paw to the other and back again, just over and over and over.

Sometimes, too, you'd also just be going around my uncle's house, and there the cat would be on its belly on the floor in front of you.

When I got back after my trip, I was telling this to my one client with disabilities and her one (lesbian) sister, and they said that cats can sense when someone is used to cats, and that's probably part of why the cat got much friendlier with me on this trip than it had been in the past, even apart from my uncle being gone for a bit and the cat being alone most of the time.

My one client's (lesbian) sister also said that that shifting weight motion is called "kneading" and is a holdover from when kittens press their mother's belly to get more milk, and that they do that with people they're really affectionate with and like, so you can really tell that that cat really likes me.

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