Monday, July 1, 2019

An occurrence at the (black) neighborhood bar: A smell.

The other week I was back at the (black) neighborhood bar in the one neighborhood that I used to live in, and there was this awful vomit smell in the restroom.

"What is that smell?", I said to a (shorter) (young) (black) guy at the urinal when a (tall) (young) (black) guy came in the door and very visibly and automatically mugged a face when he got a whiff of it.

"Someone must have vomited," the first guy was like.

Then, like an hour later, I was taking another piss, and the smell was still there, and someone pointed out that someone had shit all over the toilet.

And, I glanced over to the stall and the stall door was open and you could see right directly into it, and there was shit like down the side of the toilet tank and onto the seat and like all onto the floor.

That must have been where the smell was coming from, but that wasn't vomit.

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