Thursday, July 4, 2019

Alumni contact.

My alumni contact is so weird.

Stuff from my college degree advertises local lectures with like $40 ticket prices, and alumni travel on cruises and stuff.

From my doctoral program, I also got a call a few months ago from a (presumably paid) freshperson asking me to donate $100 to the school.

In what world do they think that I have that kind of money?

It's really quite striking how I've downwardly mobile.  My attempt at an elite profession (academia) took up like 15 years of my life, consumed a huge part of my family wealth to pay off student debt, and has left me starting over from bare wage jobs, after over a year-and-a-half of effort to find full-time work of any capacity in another sector.

I'm not really the sort of story that they think of, tell, or want told.

I really do wonder how many other biographies there are out there like mine.

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