Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Encounter with a (young) (black) (trans*) woman on the subway.

Like a month or two ago, I was coming home from work very late at night, and I was sitting there on the train reading a magazine and minding my own business and watching stuff out of the corner of my eye, when someone walks on the train and goes to sit down on the side I'm sitting on and then veers over two empty seats and sits right down in the empty seat right next to me.

So, I pause a beat, and then I close my magazine and I get up calmly and I walk over and stand by the door and hold a ceiling handle there, and then I see the person who had sat down next to me kind of get up on the seats and scoot over on them a bit towards me, and it's a (young) (black) (trans*) woman with barely any tits and a lowcut top showing a pimply chest like her (curly) (black) chest hair was still trying to grow in, and as she catches my eyes, she's like, "Puh-lease!", and it's like a true anguished shriek from the depths of her soul and she turns away and puts her head into her hands and starts crying loudly to herself, just sobs and sobs upon sobs into her hands.

Everyone kind of looks at her, but no-one knows what to do, and after a bit it dies down, and then she gets up to straighten her shoe and almost falls into the lap of the guy opposite her, then she sits down again and she starts eating from a bag of potato chips that she had pulled out of her purse, and then out of nowhere she quickly lunges towards me across the seats and ends up sprawled out across them and holding the open potato chip bag out to me, as if she was offering me some from it like she's wanting to bind me to her.

So, I eye her and I shake my head brusquely and decisively no, and she crawls back into a sitting position, hiccuping a bit like she's going to start crying again.

At the next stop, I quickly switched cars.

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