Sunday, March 31, 2019

Idea of mine, lately:

I throw out all the papers I've been saving in boxes since college.

Ever since I was in college and maybe even before that, I've kept a big manila envelope where I can put stray papers and souvenirs like programs and whatnot, and then when the envelope gets filled up, I tape it up and put the date range on it of when I've been collecting stuff that ended up in that envelope, and then I go and I go start a new one.

I have at least one big box of that out in storage, as well as my active envelope in my one box where I keep my stationery and my postal stuff like stamps and regular envelopes and whatnot, though maybe I have a taped-up big manila envelope or two in there, too.

For some reason, I just don't feel like I need that stuff anymore, and even more than that, I think it would be incredibly purifying, to rid myself of more stuff from my life, and just strip everything down. I almost feel like keeping it around would stress me out, whereas getting rid of it would be liberating.

I think I'm going to sit on this.

Maybe I'll just throw it out, or maybe I'll open up the envelopes, look at the stuff, and then throw it all out, though maybe I'll strain it and keep some of the stuff around, maybe, and put it in new and fewer envelopes.

I really have no idea what's in there, except opera programs I remember from recent years.

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