Friday, January 4, 2019

A crack at work: Tapestry.

When I came in to work as the aide to my one client with disabilities the other day, I mentioned that I had been listening to Carole King's Tapestry, and that the song "Beautiful" was stuck in my head.

"How does that go?", said her (lesbian) sister, wheeling her in from a smoke break, so I sang a few snatches, and when I got to the line that was like "'re as beautiful/ as you feel," she was like, "Ha!", and then was like, "Well today, that's not very beautiful at all."

As it turns out, both of them were having very "blah" days.

. . .

...the previous day I had been at home all day taking a day off, and I never left my apartment, I just sat on the couch and read and did puzzles and listened to CDs, and it was great, it had been so long since I had done that... 

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