Saturday, August 18, 2018

Three people, on a subway ride on a hot day:

1) A (strung out-looking) (middle-aged) (dreaded) (black) man, smelling heavily of cigarettes and leaning into the breasts of this (large) (foreign) (black) woman with a(n African?) accent, saying that he only got so upset because he loves her so much.

2) A (younger middle-aged) (Asian-American) guy who sits next to me on the crowded train and puts in headphones and has the volume all the way up to the point where I can hear heavy bass beats coming through them, and who later jumps up when a mom and some kids come onto the train, to offer them his seat.

3) A(n early 20s) (mild-faced) (Jewish-looking) woman with arm tatts, who stares downward at her phone, and smells distinctly of BO.

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