Friday, July 27, 2018

It's incredibly touching, to see people be campaign volunteers for me.

It's incredibly touching, to see people be campaign volunteers for me.

The other night I hit up my old neighbor who's a Katrina refugee from New Orleans and another friend who lives in the neighborhood, and we met at a local bar and had beers and stuffed envelopes for over an hour-and-a-half.

And, they both said they'd do it more for me, just to let them know.

I just find it incredibly touching, that people would believe in me as a candidate so much.

I can't even imagine what it's going to be like when the campaign scales up more and this happens more regularly with people who I've never even met...  It must be weird and surreal!

I just find the whole thing very touching, it's totally that being a representative really is a public trust, when you get down to it.

I wonder how many candidates and representatives feel that, and how often.

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