Monday, June 18, 2018

What a find!

The other week when I was going into the apartment building where I work as an assistant to the one disabled woman, I was rushing through the gate, and there smackdab on the path was a warm but still sealed-up package of string cheese.

So, I stooped down and picked it up and threw it in my backpack, for later.

I thought for a minute that it might be hers - she likes string cheese and keeps some in her fridge, and maybe she had it with her as a snack, but it dropped out when she was going outside for a smoke? - but then later after I ate it, I looked at the wrapper and saw that it was Starbucks brand, and there's no way in heck that it could be her string cheese, so my conscience was assuaged ("conscience was assuaged").

Anyways, even if it was hers, what would I honestly do, take it and put it back in her fridge for her and let it recool and risk some food poisoning thing or something to her?

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