Tuesday, April 3, 2018

A reflection on "white ethnics" of my city.

Oftentimes, political commentary talks about "changing cities" and acts like there's the "white ethnics" from late 19th/early 20th c. Catholic European immigration and then there's the hipsters and whatnot, when really there's this kind of overlap a bit between the two culturally.

For one thing, there's always been gays and lesbians among the "white ethnics," it's just not always been talked about publicly so much, but now that it has been talked about nationally, the mainstream view among them is actually support for gay marriage and whatnot.

(Seriously, the ground on that has changed that fast!)

For another thing, if you look at microbreweries and coffee shops and shit like that, a lot of owners and employees and patrons are "white ethnics," too.

A big chunk of them, especially those mid-50s on younger, are changing along with the rest of American society in a lot of political and a ton of general taste ways, to the point where they want a hamburger from a brewpub and a craft IPA to go drink outside on a patio just like the yuppie bros do and whatnot.

I'm serious, here.  There's something to the "changing cities" distinction, but it's not as cleancut as people make it out to be.

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