Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Am up-and-down lately, with work and life.

Lately I've been up and down with work and life.

One part of it is having my one elder care client move into a home, and my having to scramble to find new work *just* when  I was getting into the groove of a schedule.

Another part of it is my smartphone...  I'm addicted to following all of these mile-a-minute political and labor developments, but it can make me feel atomized and disconnected and helpless.

Yet another part of it is my running for office, and the trade-offs it's caused.

Sometime I'm very unsure of myself, and am wondering whether the time is wasted, esp. since it's been preventing me from pursuing my longer-term writing projects that I've found so meaningful.

The Pope said about 2017 that it was "a wasted year."

I'm trying to look at my time now, and prevent wasted time.  In retrospect, a lot of things like following my smartphone closely will prove to be wasted time, I think, and I'm better off just sitting and reading or finding new things to do.

I need to focus more on my writing, too, when my campaign time allows.

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