Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Political workshop (2 of 2): VAN.

As I learned at the political workshop, the big voter info file that comes from the government and is supplemented by the political party is called "VAN."

I made a joke about coming off as a sex offender because registering young voters would be "putting kids in the VAN," and then one operative said that one time when he was working for a candidate in the Quad Cities in Iowa, he was having a cigarette outside a diner by the street next to an actual van and there was trouble with the system and from which end you could import/export information to it, so he was yelling in the phone "to put people in one side of the VAN, and if that doesn't work, try the other!", and when he looked up, all the people on the patio were staring at him.

He then said that he said it was an acronym, that he was working for the other campaign than he was actually working for, and went inside, but that ending to the story didn't strike me as true, but as someone too-clever cooking up an ending for an already solid anecdote.

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