Monday, September 4, 2017

Political workshop (1 of 2): My weak alderman.

The other weekend I went to a weekend-long workshop on the nuts-and-bolts of political campaigns.

We have a machine alderman in my ward, and I ended up catching this (young) (latino) alderman afterwards, who had beaten a long-term incumbent in his part of the city.

He said not only that his sense was that the guy was vulnerable because last time he went to a run-off, but also that someone didn't have to even be from the neighborhood necessarily, since all the studies he's seen show no demonstration that that's a negative, and you can get around the political dynamics with your platform.

From everything that everyone was saying, I almost got a hankering to try to take down the local alderman, to be honest.  I do like a challenge, and the guy's from an old-time political family, so it'd be a blast if I did end up winning.

I almost wonder if I could do it.  I have the Midwest thing down - I'd probably have pictures of me at my hometown festival in the mailing, and me with my great aunt the nun - and I have the labor thing down - I unionized a fucking workplace, for Christ's sake! - and I do know how to put down shoe leather, and it's all about talking to voters.

I also have some ideas for some unifying platforms, and concrete issues to appeal to voters.

I think maybe I'll work with a progressive campaign this time, learn the ropes, and run next time if that guy doesn't win.

It'd certainly be a learning experience!

For now, though, I just want to work on my book ideas.

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