Sunday, July 30, 2017

Revelation of a colleague:

The other week when I was out for drinks with that colleague of mine from Comp Lit, he revealed to me that he was raised by his grandparents, and that they were into an esoteric channeling cult.

He said that when you come into their living room, they have a few pictures of eminent channeled entities right there on the wall, and then there's a little alcove closed off by a white curtain, where they keep statues and all of their religion books, in sort of like a shrine.

We talked for a while, and it turns out that they were raised a type of Mormon, and so I fished around and put my finger on the fact that they like that the cult doesn't believe in hell, but rather in a permanent state of improvement.

"There's always some reason something appeals to people," I was like.

My one colleague then confided that his grandmother often says that she doesn't want to live any more, but rather wants to ascend to the next level of being.

He also says that they lost all their friends years ago and it's just the two of them, and once some old friends visited them and he realized when they were all sitting there how they used to have a normal life with regular interaction and stuff, but they just don't anymore.

He also says they travel out west like once a year for a retreat with the group.

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