Sunday, April 23, 2017

Weird (Mexican) (male) flirting.

A (young) (Mexican) (male) coworker of my hippie friend from Michigan would sometimes pause when he was done speaking and look into your eyes and smile gently, which I always wondered, was it just him, or was it a broader macho male (Mexican) thing.

Then, the other week, I was out with my one friend who coordinates Romance languages for a movie and then dinner, and when we were having dinner at the restaurant bar, we ended up talking to the (young) (Mexican-American) (male) guy to her left, and he did something similar...

He talked like a know-it-all, and then he'd do the stare thing, and eventually when my friend completely showed that he didn't know what he was talking about with politics, he said they both agreed after all, which showed that it wasn't so much the topic that mattered, but the stance of being "the guy in the know," as a kind of jockeying/flirtatious thing with her.

It's all very weird, and macho, and comes off especially weird when a guy just talks out of his ass.

So bizarre.

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