Friday, February 3, 2017

Worst vomit ever?

I've gotten a bad habit of getting a couple of 7-11 taquitos after leaving bars and going to go home.

The other Saturday, I was out and walked by a 7-11, so I was like, "Why not?", and not only did I pop in to get a couple, but the (young) (African-American) counterwoman was like, "Want three? They're three for three," and I assented.

So, I got them in that little thin paper wrapper they come in, scarfed them, took forever to go home, and then fell asleep.

That night I had a very disturbing nightmare that included body horror, and then I woke up stark straight at like 9am, and my stomach felt just a bit on the verge of upset.

I couldn't get back to sleep, and I half-wondered if I needed to vomit, though I kind of felt like taking a shit, too, so I got up and wandered over the bathroom, and then tried squatting, though I couldn't shit, so I ended up getting up and swapping around and leaning my head into the toilet, to see if I needed to vomit.

Nothing was happening for a while, but I was still feeling queasy, then all of a sudden I felt it, this searing up the back of my throat, and it turned out to be the least liquid vomit ever.

Basically, it was like a dried up fire of ground taquito shells scraping its way up the back of my throat slowly, and then I had to hack it into the toilet bowl in small mouthfuls that were made all the worse since it was mixed in among a bit of the most condensed, powerful bile ever, which had a taste like an awful salsa from hell.

It took three similar retches of scraping to get it all out, and even then it wasn't much vomit, maybe a small bowlful, and it was like pretty much all taquito, plus a bit of stomach bile to boot as a coagulant or whatever.

The back of my throat felt seared for a good twelve to fourteen hours afterwards, too.

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