Monday, January 16, 2017

Convo with an everyday worker (2 of 2): Periodontal billing worker.

My credit card wouldn't clear at the periodontist's office, and so I had to go check into that with the bank later and then go and call them back.

It turns out that a $1000 did go through, so I called up the periodontist's office only to have the billing worker there tell me that nothing was showing up on their end.

"So," she was like, "I see you're coming in on Monday.  I would *strongly* recommend that you go online or go to the bank, print out a statement showing the payment, and bring it in with you."

"Okay," I was like.

Then, she was silent for a just a beat more after.

Then, she was like, "And I mean, strongly.  Strongly."

Then, she paused again.

Then, she was like, "Got that?  Strongly."

"Got it," I was like, and laughed.

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