Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Three neighborhood sights.

The other week I ran some errands mid-day, and on my walk home there was...:

1)  Some people rebuilding a shuttered house that had been foreclosed on a long time now, and the new building permit in the window said that the building was being converted to a 2-flat from an illegal 3-flat.

2)  A sunken yard covered in gravel with animal statues of dogs and turtles and squirrels and whatnot perfectly spaced all over and across the yard, all about one foot from one other in a kind of a grid pattern.

3) Some (Mexican) workers mixing up cement or something and hauling it up to the roof of a three-story block-y building using a pulley installed off the roof edge, and a (young) guy in a purple T-shirt  attaching the bucket to the rope and pulling it up gave out a wordless yell to signal to someone on the roof that a new bucket was up there and he should come get it.

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