Sunday, July 17, 2016

Wart solution container got botched up.

So, my first container of wart solution was this little glass bottle from the local drugstore, and you’d open the top and there’d be a brush underneath that you could use to put the wart solution on.

Only, over time, the wart solution in the bottle got gelatinous sitting in the bottle, and it'd come up in this already hardening clear bubble, and it was hardening to the point where you couldn’t really spread it on, and it'd touch the wart but not come off, and just sit as a hardening clear bubble on the brush.

I’m not sure if this is what usually happens, or it was just me not putting the top on the bottle tight enough, or it was several hot day over ninety, or what.

Anyhow, I got a new thing of wart solution from the local Walgreen’s, except, I sprung five extra bucks to get the gel tube, since I thought that that would mean I didn’t waste any solution, since you'd cap it and there wouldn't be any air in the container and you'd actually come out ahead since you wouldn't waste any of the solution.

Like a week after that, though, I was screwing the top back on after one of my two daily applications of solution, and as I gave it an extra little twist to make sure the cap was on tight, the entire tip of the tube slid along with it.

I had effectively twisted the top of the container right off!

What shoddy construction.

Now, I have the tube balanced upright on my kitchen table leaning against the edge of the middle of a roll of duct tape, and I set the cap on it to try to block out what air I can.

Every once in a while I find the cap has slid off, and I get worried that the solution is hardening and I'll have to go spend more money on a third container of wart solution.

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