Saturday, July 2, 2016

Trip highlight (2 of 2): Reminiscence of an old house.

One night on my mini-trip when we were having a barbecue, both my friends got to reminiscing about where they lived when they first moved in together, over fifteen years ago.

"That city is just shitty," my friend was like.  "They've tried to spruce up the downtown, but I really think it's just the people who live there."

Their old house was decaying and had a big front porch, and since it was in the bad part of town with a view of a street that was a boundary between gangs, they'd sit out sometimes and watch packs of youth rove around and face each other off across some imaginary boundary.

A few times, late at night, they heard gunfire.

Another time, this guy was just walking down the sidewalk on the street in front of them, chugging liquor from a paper bag, with his dick hanging out of his pants, just pissing as he walked along.

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