Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A British accent story: "Underlay".

My one (half British) (half Sudanese) friend was showing me the latest in his apartment renovations the other day, including the hardwood floor that he was putting down.

When we walked into one room, the floor was all torn up, and there was some kind of green see-through foamy thing all over the floor, partially starting to be covered by yet unvarnished hardwood pieces.

"What's that?", I was like, tapping my foot on the green see-through foamy thing all over the floor.

"Underlay," he was like.

Then, all of a sudden, he shifted into wacky (British) humor mode and started mimicking a Spanish accent, and was like, "Underlay, underlay!"

(Because in his British accent, "underlay" sounds a lot like "andale".)

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