Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Odd dream of a church function.

The other week the same night that I wrote a friend back to confirm plans about going to a traditional church dinner of open-dinner-for-all-including-the-poor-but-discreet-donation-for-the-meal-if-you-can-afford-it, I dreamt:

We went to the church meal, all around this big table in a relatively bare room with very high ceilings and long curtains on these large windows.

(Somehow, I was at the meal somehow, but I was observing the room from high up and distant, and I don't remember seeing anyone, including myself.)

Then, the next day, I was reading the news, and discovered that the dinner was a fiasco because almost no-one gave donations and so the church lost $60,000 from it.

. . .

(Oddly, I remember almost no details of the meal or even where I read the newspaper, but I remember the specific amount of $60,000 that I read in the newspaper.)

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