Thursday, February 11, 2016

Students nowadays (1 of 2): Immigrant-heritage kid in Midwest.

So, for my one freshman writing class continuing over from this fall, one of the kids is this (dark-skinned) (East African)-looking guy with chubby cheeks and a stereotypical (Muslim) name, and a very pleasant easygoing demeanor.

He's from a Midwestern state and is a native English speaker, so my hunch is that his parents are immigrants or that he came over at a very extremely young age.

Anyhow, 19 year olds can be so funny and cute!

As one of my supervisors said, every year the students look more and more like chipmunks.

When we had a meeting over a paper draft of his, he was like, very pleasantly, "You know, I find this tough, since we didn't do anything like this back in high school."

"Where'd you go to high school?", I was like.

"Ohio," he was like.

"So what'd they make you do?", I was like.  "Make you memorize the names of all eight presidents from Ohio?".

"Yeah, pretty much," he said, affably, not picking up on my dry humor.

Also, after holiday break, the professor asked everyone for stories about their break, and he said that he almost missed the bus back from Ohio since he slept through his alarm.

Also also, with his first paper, he turned it in unstapled with the corner folded over, and his name scrawled unevenly across the top corner of the second page, in case the pages got separated.

Ah, to be nineteen again.  Kids!

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