Saturday, September 26, 2015

How Old I Am! And How Long in This City!

I'm soon seeing my *third* Madonna tour, since living in the city.

First was her Hard Candy tour (actually named "the Sticky and Sweet tour", I believe).

Second was her MDNA tour.

Now third is her Rebel Heart tour.

I also saw her Confessions tour long ago, in a different city.

That makes four Madonna tours.  I wish I had gotten turned on to her mastery of stadium spectacle much earlier, so I could have seen more.  They're simply marvelous and so memorable, and totally worth the $.

This time, I got $350 seats!

My parents would be appalled, but I think it's totally worth it...  

I traded up last time with some people who sold their more expensive seats to me and my one lawyer friend from Missouri at a discount (we in turn sold our seats to people outside wanting tickets), and those better seats are totally worth the $.

First tier, mid-stadium side, baby.  :)

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