Friday, July 17, 2015

3 recent quarry park moments:

1) When I'm picking up trash by the side of the park, this (short) (middle-aged) (Chinese) guy who's jogging says as he goes past without stopping, "Thanks, you great, man!".

2) As I'm walking along another section of the park, this (young) (Chinese-American) boy walks past holding up a turtle, which makes me do a double-take.

"Whoa!", I was like.

"He's dead," the kid was like, and explained that he wasn't moving and that he smelled funny.

He said he found him on the edge of the quarry park pond (which recently got a ton of run-off from storms, and so absorbed a lot of pollutants?).

"See?", he was like, putting his finger against the dead turtle's head.  "He doesn't move."

3) After the tip of my right sandal caught, the lowest layer of the front half became a bit detached, so I went and ripped it off.

Then, later, right in the middle of another path was another similar part of a ripped-off sole of a shoe.

And, it was even in the same color, black.

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