Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Rainstorm - Championship.

So, on Monday I worked a full day from home.

It was very rainy all day, and I got alerts on my phone about flash-flooding, and at one point tornado sirens went off.

That night as the rain let up, I went to the quarry park for a stroll, and many gravel paths had huge gashes running down them, since water had carried a lot of dirt down and dumped it out at the base of paths.

And, though it had stopped raining, sheets of water were running down all inclined sidewalks, as it drained off the hill.

In the pond, the fishing platform was completely submerged, the water level was so high; I tried to take a picture on my new smartphone, but the evening was too dark for any picture to come out.

As I ended my stroll, fireworks started going off, and I realized that the city must have won a sports championship.

So, I strolled down the main drag where all the bars are.

Here and there people in cars were leaning out windows or out opened sunroofs, and one car stopped at a redlight had a guy who demanded I come give him a high five, which I did.

Outside the several bars, there were groups of people, and one of them had someone with a huge flag who was standing out in the street waving it.

By one intersection, I saw 2 black SUVs parked on the side street, noses angled in towards the main drag ready to take off at any second:  cops, ready to nail drunk drivers, it seemed.

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