Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Letting Go of Animus towards David Axelrod - for the Moment.

I had been thinking of putting together a case from the recent city mayor's race for why the David Axelrod-designed campaign was subtly race-baiting, and even made an (unsuccessful) article pitch to an editor I know, but something in my gut told me that I shouldn't be hasty with something so divisive in unforeseeable ways, and so I've put the project on the backburner indefinitely, i.e. an outline of ideas is now sitting in my files.

For one, I'd have to know the election and his career inside-out to make a compelling circumstantial case, and that would involve reading Axelrod's new, very long Believer book and incorporating that, which I really don't have the time to do right now.

Plus, if I went after his values and legacy in running that campaign, I probably would leave myself open to be smeared by someone as smart and savvy as him.

On top of all that, I'm already fighting an activist battle on one front, and I can't go after everything, even something big like this...

Some (hispanic) friends here in the city agree with me about the strategy of the campaign, but honestly, maybe it's something that should be up to them to say - and it would be more irreproachable if they said it, too, I think.

In any case, I have my outline, so if I ever read books or coverage that relate, I can tuck that material away, and have a story to pitch next time Axelrod's in the news, if it seems good then.

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