Monday, May 4, 2015

Art school student comments (1 of 2): Bird droppings.

In my world religions class, a hagiographical tale involving bird droppings made a (sweet but uncritical) (white) (female) student say that we didn't know how that culture valued bird droppings, and that Chinese people think they're good luck, and that if you go to China, people actually run around under trees trying to get bird droppings to land on them.

At that, I glanced across the room, and the one (Chinese) (female) student in the room was looking at her with a "shooting daggers" glare, that was somehow off kilter because it was a tempered by a strong dose of "what the f*ck?!".

The best part was as the student talked about Chinese people running around under trees, she even flung herself back in her chair a little bit with her arms outstretched and her head tilted back, looking upward and swaying like she was a Chinese person running around a tree trying to get bird droppings to land on her.

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