Thursday, April 9, 2015

Awful downtown hotel.

The other week I was at both (new) bars at a luxury hotel downtown, and though I tried to be friendly with the staff who were everywhere standing at attention, they all had this dull, obsequious look in their face, like they had internalized how great (white) (rich) people are.

As I was leaving the restaurant-bar, I asked the (white) (early 30s) hostess what was up with the restaurant's name, and she told me it was named after a (20th c.) (French) designer's lover, since the whole hotel was inspired by 1920s Paris.

I almost told her that I'd rather have a hotel inspired by 1790s Paris, but I bit my tongue.

1 comment:

el blogador said...

Also, as I found out later, I think this may be the building where the mayor's big (Republican) campaign contributor lives.

That tells you something.