Saturday, January 10, 2015

Makes me feel better: Other teachers' experiences.

Some of the committee members for a committee I'm on at the art school got together a few weeks ago to hash out some stuff informally.

We were talking about the writing needs of art student freshmen, and I said it was like pulling teeth to get students to recognize the difference between a semicolon and a comma, even when I pointed this out across feedback on multiple assignments, and gave strong personal recommendations to use a friendly, short online resource.

"But you have to realize that a lot of graduating seniors leave here and still do that," the head of the art school's writing tutoring service was like.

"But how can that happen?", I was like.

"I know," she was like.  "But that shows how we're conscientious teachers, to worry about that."

That made me feel so much better, to realize that people were facing the same pedagogical problems that I was facing, and getting the same results when trying to address them.

It makes me realize that I'm not doing something wrong.

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