Wednesday, November 26, 2014

"Our Founders".

Something else on my mind recently:

From scattered references that I've read (I have nothing at hand), the founding generation of the U.S. thought that no good could come of secret societies.

If I'm not mistaken, that same ethos carried through the anti-Masonic debates of the 19th c., since why would citizens be okay with politicians all belonging to the same secret club?

Yet, we're in that place now, with the manipulating money that's funding political campaigns, and all the top-secret shindigs where politicians go to give speeches to the likes of the Koch Bros.

When did America lose that sense that secret societies are never any good?

From what I gather, the default common sense now is that "they can do what they want, it's a free country", which is some bullshit that can be used to excuse anything.

Really, our country suffers from an impoverishment of recognition of the basic values and behavior appropriate to citizens.

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