Monday, October 27, 2014

Everyone's so laid back in my neighborhood I'm living in!

I really love it:

1) At the laundromat when I accidentally locked the keys in the restroom, the (Mexican) woman on duty just shrugged and didn't spaz out like I would have and just went about trying to jimmy the door open.

2) At the now-dead-since-it's-fall ice cream store staffed by a disaffected (skinny) (pale white) teenage girl in a black t-shirt with bleached blonde hair over purposefully dark roots, the restroom smells like pot, so you just know she was bored and was smoking up at work.

3) As I wait to make a left turn on my bike on my morning commute into work, I see this big red SUV coming the opposite direction slow down in front of me, and a (fatter) (older) (blonde) (white) woman with black sunglasses and pockmarked skin lean out the window and waggle her fingers in a "rock out!" V-sign to some passersby on the sidewalk behind me, as she yells out, "Hey, you!".

Then, she laughs pleasantly and drives off.

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