Sunday, October 12, 2014


I forgot -

For that daytrip, I overslept my alarm...

I had had a hectic week, and my alarm was set right, so I must have just slept right through it...

I was supposed to get up at 6:15am to catch the 7am long-distance bus, but I only got up at 7:40am, out of nowhere.

Fortunately, I was able to find a later bus on a different line, though I lost half my time at the citywide art fest, since I got there so late.

That morning as I was running around frantically trying to get together alternate travel plans, my roommate had questions about my thinking that I'd only get 3 hours of sleep, get up, then sleep more on the bus.

"I've done that before," she was like.  "But to be able to sleep on the bus, you first have to get up in order to catch the bus."

Also funny was that when I didn't show up at the bus stop, my one (Asian-Canadian) friend just hopped the bus anyway since he was already there and had blocked the day off and was figuring that there'd be something to do in the city for eight hours by himself...

Even then, we arranged by text and he hung out with my friends (who he'd never met) for like 4 hours without me before I arrived.

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