Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Puzzle magazine problem.

Like 3-4 months ago, I wrote in to the one puzzle magazine that I subscribe to about a mistake that I found in one of their puzzles, since if you do that and they publish your letter, you get a t-shirt.

Within a few weeks, I got back a letter from an editor there saying they’d chosen my letter, and including a slip that I could mail in for a t-shirt.

So, like 2 weeks ago, my new issue of the puzzle magazine came in – and I discovered that I had never received the issue before that, where my letter had appeared!

I called in the “subscription problems” 800-number and talked with a helpful operator, who said that the issue was out-of-stock, and given that issues were out-of-stock all the way back through fall 2013, it wasn’t likely they’d ever have copies again, so they could extend my subscription by one issue.

“You know,” I was like, “I hate to bother you about this, I wouldn’t care at all about the issue, but I wrote a letter in about a puzzle mistake and my letter was published in that issue and I even got a t-shirt for it, so I really want it to have it for my fridge and to make copies to send to my parents, if there's any way at all I could get a copy.”

“Oh,” she was like, “I get it.  Wait a second, let me see if there’s a copy lying around the office somewhere.  Can I put you on hold?”.

Then, she did that, and five minutes later she came back on and said she couldn’t find any, and the supervisor who had keys to this one spare room where there might be an extra copy was already out-of-office for the weekend.

“I left a note for her with your number explaining your situation,” she was like, “And she should call you back next week and we can go from there.”

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