Monday, March 3, 2014

Delivery driver favors.

My one (hippie) friend from Michigan sold her car a few months ago, and now leans on her deliver driver friends to drive her around.

She already relied on them to pick up stuff for her and drop it off at her house – a pack of cigarettes, some hard cider, a grocery she needed – and sometimes if she was out at a bar in the neighborhood she lives and didn’t feel like walking home she’d call them to see if they could squeeze in giving her a quick ride home from the bar, but now she even has them drive her around to different nearby neighborhoods, including the one I live in...

The other night she came over by bus after volunteering at the socialist organization she’s been working at that’s located like twenty blocks directly south of me, and as soon as she arrived, she gave a call to her friend to see when he was getting off work and if he could give her a ride home.

She hung up and was like, “Okay, we've got two hours,” and then we hung out and did a few word puzzles from the new issue of my puzzle magazine.

(We often do word puzzles together; they’re a lot of fun to work through hard ones together, 2 heads really are better than 1.)

Like last month, too, snow was so bad I crashed at her apartment so I could be closer to work the next morning, and she had me run outside and get some groceries from her delivery driver friend, this older eccentric (white) guy was was clean shaven with a shock of bright white hair, in a beat-up old Toyota.  He ran to the store for her between deliveries, and didn't look me in the eye or even in my direction as he handed the small bag of groceries out the window as he was double-parked on the small street outside her apartment building.

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