Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Summer Concert (2 of 2): Helicopter.

At the same free outdoor concert downtown, they had started late because of a bigger festival located south of the concert site, which had a competing concert scheduled for the normal starting time.

At the new starting time, the other concert was still going – you could hear the bass booming where we were, at least a mile away – but they held off a few minutes longer, and then that concert ended and ours could begin.

During the start of the 2nd half, though, this helicopter kept circling the bigger festival located south of the concert site, and as it swooped north, it would go almost directly overhead and make the orchestra really hard to hear, and it did this like every 2-3 minutes for around 20-25 minutes.

And, it had a spotlight coming out of it that was focusing on something in the middle of the festival grounds at the bigger festival located south of the concert site.

Was there a crime?

After the concert I was at ended, I waded through the crowd and decided to go over by the other festival, to see if I could figure out what was going on...

As I was walking out, this old (liberal-looking) (white) couple were complaining to the concert manager about the helicopter.

“There’s really nothing we can do about it, sir,” he kept saying.

Then, the stringy old (white) guy of the couple was saying, “Did you know, we’ll have concealed weapons next year, let’s see if they do that then, I’ll shoot it right out the sky!”, and he made a gattling-gun motion with both hands.  “Enh-enh-enh-enh-enh!”

“You think you’re funny, eh?”, the concert manager sneered.  “Very funny.”

Over by the festival site, I asked some (black) motorcycle club from Toledo who were parked by the side of the road what the circling helicopter earlier was all about, but they had just got there and didn’t know anything.

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