Thursday, June 27, 2013

Priests in Love (2 of 11): The First Time.

From Jane Anderson’s “Priest in Love: Roman Catholic Clergy and Their Intimate Friendships” (a book of interviews with Australian priests) (p. 63):

“Before I can tell this, please realise that I was in my midsixties before I ever touched a woman’s breasts and genitals.  What I did may have been the actions of a twenty-year-old but I was doing this with the wisdom, knowledge, and religious attitude of a sixty-four-year-old priest.  This difference is important.

“The first time we were in the bedroom, in the first week of January, she stood naked before me and said, ‘I didn’t give you a Christmas present so I want to give you the best gift I can give you, the gift of my own body.’  This is Eucharist – my body given for you.  Kissing and sucking her nipples helped me to see a link with the spiritual drink of Eucharist.

“I saw her vagina as sacred and holy, and I saw my penis as a sacred holy part of my body, and a gift from God.  In the giving and receiving, I accepted this as being similar to the Eucharist.  We talked about this, my friend and I, and we spoke about circumcision as the Jewish dedication to the Lord and the most evident sign of belonging to the community of God’s people.   Our lovemaking was our dedication, and this was a mutual interpretation.  Sexual intimacy helped me understand Eucharist, and Eucharist helped me to understand intimacy.”

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